Anti-stress head and face massage 50 min.

Anti-stress head and face massage 50 min.
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Pure stress relief: Mindful massage techniques loosen tension in the area of the shoulders, head and neck. They have both a relieving and strengthening effect. Let our trained therapists introduce you to the world of stress relief and liberated thinking. Enjoy soothing movements for the head, shoulder and neck region, so often affected by everyday life, and say goodbye to insomnia, poor concentration, fatigue and headaches. Dive into the world of freedom from pain and relax with targeted treatment of the fascia to alleviate tension and stress. These techniques release knots and support your body in its process of recovery and regeneration.
Pure stress relief: Mindful massage techniques loosen tension in the area of the shoulders, head and neck. They have both a relieving and strengthening effect. Let our trained therapists introduce you to the world of stress relief and liberated thinking. Enjoy soothing movements for the head, shoulder and neck region, so often affected by everyday life, and say goodbye to insomnia, poor concentration, fatigue and headaches. Dive into the world of freedom from pain and relax with targeted treatment of the fascia to alleviate tension and stress. These techniques release knots and support your body in its process of recovery and regeneration.
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